Hi everyone! Our team faced some challenges this weekend, but fought back to finish 11th. We worked hard for this one and really came together as a team to make it happen. Heading into New Hampshire, our team’s spirits were high. We were coming off an awesome finish in Chicago and knew some of our best tracks were coming up. But it’s not only our performance and teamwork on the track I’m so proud of.
Monday, after Chicago, we all came together for a volunteer project at the shop. We filled over 350 bags containing baby supplies for The Nurse Family Partnership- an organization that provides guidance and care for struggling mothers and babies. Events like last week’s make me so grateful to be part of this #22 team. Brittany and I can’t thank them enough for supporting the foundation’s mission as much as they do.
At the volunteer event, I was asked several times why we do so much during the Chase. When most drivers take outside activities down a notch, we ramp up. Here’s how I see it. There are many great things about the Chase. It’s a chance to fulfill a dream of becoming a champion. It’s a chance to prove the nay sayers wrong. But I also see it as a chance to make a difference. I have realized the spotlight on this sport is brightest during the playoffs. I think it’s an awesome opportunity to use that attention and educate fans about non-profits in our racing communities. By using the attention on our sport, we can reach a lot of people in need of help and inspire others to live generously.
This Weeks Cause: Pediatric Cancer
Week one of Chasing Second Chances focused on the emotional and mental challenges youth fighting cancer can face and an organization there to lift their spirits. This week, we steer our focus to the financial aspects of pediatric cancer and the burdens it can place on these families.
The financial strain can take its toll. Missing work for appointments, long and expensive hospital stays, covering deductibles and co-pays- these are just a few of the challenges families face. During a time when your only concern should be the health of your child, it seems so unfair to have additional financial stress. For our week 3 charity partner, we have chosen a group working hard to support these families with financial assistance. We are thankful for their efforts and are excited to share information about The B+ Foundation with you all.
This Week’s Joey Logano Foundation Chasing Second Chances Non-Profit Partner: The B + Foundation
The B+ Foundation was founded in honor of Andrew McDonough. Andrew fought leukemia for 167 days before passing in 2007 at the age of 14. Andrew’s family made it their life’s work to continue fighting cancer with other families struggling with the disease. It is so honorable that a family would dedicate their lives to fight for children suffering through a disease that took their son. Andrew’s family named their foundation after Andrew’s blood type, and made it their motto to “Be positive”. The foundation is about Kids Helping Kids Fight Cancer by raising money through dance marathons, 5Ks, T-shirt sales and much more. With this money, the foundation provides financial and emotional support to families of youth battling cancer nationwide. In recent years, the organization has dedicated resources to childhood cancer research as well. Their hard working team makes sure funding for research supports cutting-edge programs across the nation. We are so proud to be a partner of this organization and hope you will take a minute to visit their site to learn more.
I want to end with a final thought. Life is full of challenges. I lean on my team to get me through the tough times. To go through them alone would be exhausting. The B+ Foundation supports families fighting cancer through the biggest challenge they are likely to face in a lifetime. I am proud to join their fight and offer my support. After all, you never know when you will be in the ring fighting. We can only hope someone will do the same for us.